Caribe Quick Facts
Caribe Quick Facts
This course will provide you with important information regarding benefits, policies, procedures, and general hotel knowledge.
Caribe Quick Facts (OnCall)
Caribe Quick Facts (OnCall)
This course will provide you with important information regarding benefits, policies, procedures, and general hotel knowledge.
Caribe Quick Facts (Spanish)
Caribe Quick Facts (Spanish)
Este curso le proporcionará información importante sobre beneficios, políticas, procedimientos y conocimiento general del hotel.
Golf Cart Safety (Spanish)
Golf Cart Safety (Spanish)
Este curso revisará los procedimientos y regulaciones de manejo de los carritos de golf, permitiendo al empleado utilizar con seguridad carros de golf Caribe Royale.
Loss Prevention Report
Test Courses
Loss Prevention Report
This exercise will test your ability to compile an accurate report of events that occur on the hotel property.
PCI Compliance - Cash Handling
PCI Compliance - Cash Handling
This course will allow you to identify why it is critical to protect sensitive data, list the sources of data breaches, and define your role in protecting sensitive data.

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